Organs In Lower Back / Anatomy Of The Back Organs - Human Anatomy Body - Your back is the upper outer surface of your body, your organs are inside your body.
Organs In Lower Back / Anatomy Of The Back Organs - Human Anatomy Body - Your back is the upper outer surface of your body, your organs are inside your body. . The ureter of the reproductive organs in women are also within or very close to the lower left abdomen. Looks like one of these complaints that is diffic. The sounds which are produced touching this area with the back of the tongue are called velar the various organs which are involved in the production of speech sounds are called speech. In the human body, there are five vital organs that people need to stay alive. Interested in lower back organs? The kidneys are located in the lower back and have communication with the bladder through the ureters. Your back is the upper outer surface of your body, your organs are inside your body. The erector spinae muscles, for example, extend the back (bend it the quadratus lumborum muscle in the lower back side bends the lumbar spine and aids in the inspiration of air thr...